An unknown LG device, LG X210 appears in e-Postel database - GadgetzArena

An unknown LG device, LG X210 appears in e-Postel database

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An unknown LG device, LG X210 appears in e-Postel database

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While browsing through e-Postel’s database today, we found an unknown LG device, submitted two days ago for certification. If you didn’t know, e-Postel is FCC equivalent which provides ceritification in Indonesia. The device which appeared in the database carries a model number, LG-X210sd or I should call it just LG-X210.


The screenshot shows shows that it was submitted for certification on December 4, 2015. The equipment type mentions “Pesawat Telepon Seluler” which means “Cellular Telephone”. Right now we have no other information about this device, its specs or anything. But if we find anything, we will update you for sure.

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